Scania g450 van Body Trucks
Below are the classified ads of second hand Scania G450 van Body Trucks for sale. View them by year of production , price , working hours , or limit your search, use the left side navigation.
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- G 450P 230 LBP 230P 230 DBP 280P 320P 320 BP 250R 450R 580R 580 LBR 500P 94 DBP 94 DB 260P 94 GBP 94-230P 94-310R 490G 400P 360R 480R 480 LBR 520P 270 LBP 270P 380P 380 LBP 410R 420R 420 LBG 410G 420G 440R 500R 440R 440 LBR 560S 730160310400 LB420500 B94 D 220G 320G 370LS 85P 260P 310P 340P 370P 400P 420P 450R 114R 124 GB 420R 144 GBR 380R 620R 650R660S 500S 650
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Transportation Trucks Van Body Trucks Scania G450
Van Body Trucks • 2016 • 462000km • Otepää vald, EE • Engeros Otepää OÜ
724 021 ZAR
Van Body Trucks • 2014 • 615200km • Rapla, EE • Agomer Rehvid OÜ
579 217 ZAR
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